What Does it Mean to be an "Early Bloomer" or "Late Bloomer"?

You might know intuitively. The terms may call to mind self-conscious tweens at pool parties, an unexpected -- or long anticipated -- first period, and the embarrassment of standing out.

Researchers have hypothesized that developing on the most common timeline allows girls to anticipate, prepare for, and better cope with the changes of puberty. Early and late bloomers may be more likely to be caught off guard by changes and therefore feel insecure and stressed.  ⁠

So what’s the impact of early or late puberty? And as a parent, should you be concerned?

We discuss all of this and how to best help your daughter in our latest blog for Ashlyn Lee. You can head over to read our post here.

Topics we cover include:

  • Why early or late puberty can be a risk factor

  • How can you support your early or late bloomer

  • Medical standards for “normal”, “early” and “late” puberty

  • The stigma associated with the “early” and “late” language

  • How to foster your daughter’s sense of self and self-worth

Zoe Bisbing