#77: What if I need more body-positivity for myself?

with Kimmie Singh, RD

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In this episode we discuss…

  • An example of a patient who is struggling with intuitive eating and body positivity 

  • How to connect the idea of body positivity and intuitive eating with the practice 

  • How might the cycle of preoccupation of shape and weight and eating manifest 

  • How to feel safe in your body while eating 

  • Why regular eating is important

  • How to address health problems while not participating in diet culture 

  • What are some of the barriers to food freedom 

  • Where to start the hunger/fullness journey

  • Can you change your eating without “dieting”

Do you ever feel like intellectually you connect with concepts of intuitive eating, anti-diet culture, and body-positivity, but when you try to put it into practice for yourself you hit a wall? Well, you’re not alone! In this week’s episode, Zoë partners with Kimmie Singh, RD to give you a taste of what bespoke body-positive support could look for YOU.

Kimmie Singh is a self-proclaimed fat Registered Dietitian based in New York City. She is the owner of Body Honor Nutrition, a private practice that supports individuals to heal their relationships with food and body. Kimmie supports her clients with a fat-positive and anti-oppressive framework and has a special passion for working with people that have polycystic ovarian syndrome. Kimmie is also a sought-after speaker and has presented at several national conferences. She presents on the effects of anti-fat stigma in healthcare and nutrition. Kimmie is a believer in kindness, compassion, and the power of advocacy.

Connect with Kimmie on Instagram, Twitter, and her website.

Resources mentioned or recommended:

Jordan Best